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Muscle Building Nutrition

The editors of Tamarack Cabins and Chris Berry (that would be me) have reviewed the Books, "Diet Supplements Revealed" and "Muscle Building Nutrition" by Will Brink. I have gone over them extensively.  We found them to be a real eye - opener. Find out which supplements burn fat fast, which build real muscle, which are hype, discover the best way to lose fat fast, build muscle, and get a personalized diet. It's all in there. We highly recommend it! One of the most useful guides to losing fat out there.  Find out everything you need to know about fat loss in a few minutes. 

This book and all that comes with it has to be the best deal on the net.  If you are skeptical just click here >> to get  FREE extracts from the book.  I do not believe you will have to ever buy a book or advice again.  You must see this to believe it.

Chris Berry 

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Muscle Building Nutrition Guide and Bodybuilding Supplements Review

Build serious lean muscle in record time with a proven muscle building nutrition plan and discover exactly which bodybuilding supplements work and which are no more than pure marketing hype, by sports nutrition and supplements expert Will Brink.

Here's exactly what you will get from Will Brink's ebook. Muscle Building Nutrition will...


Show you exactly how to eat to gain serious lean muscle mass, quickly and with a minimum of bodyfat - no theory, just proven methods which will add muscle to even the hard gainer.


Teach you the correct ratios of foods to eat to optimize anabolic hormones and maximize your anabolic environment so that you are in "constant anabolic state" - exactly what you need to fast muscle growth.


Show you exactly, and in simple terms, how to plan your food intake like a pro, so you will never again have to wonder if what you are eating will help you build lean muscle. You will know!


Save you money by teaching you exactly which muscle building supplements work are worth spending hard earned money on and which are pure hype. You may be shocked!

Testimonials from owners of Will Brink's Muscle Building Nutrition and Supplements Review

"I commend Will Brink on his efforts to debunk sports nutrition supplements. Will's Muscle Building Nutrition is a must read!"

- Lee Labrada, Founder of Labrada Nutrition, www.labrada.com, Former world champion professional bodybuilder, IFBB Mr. Universe, top 4 placed in the Mr.Olympia for seven consecutive years.

"It is with great enthusiasm I have written a chapter to accompany Will's superb Muscle Building Nutrition. Combine Will's nutrition and supplement information with my training tips and advice, and success is virtually guaranteed."

- Charles Poliquin, www.charlespoliquin.net
Charles is recognized as one of the World's most successful strength coaches, coached Olympic medalists in 12 different sports.

"Will has been a major influence in my bodybuilding nutrition plan since I started to take this sport seriously. As an IFBB professional bodybuilder, I can't afford to waste time on worthless over hyped information. Will has always delivered quality information I can count on and he is one of only a handful of people whose opinion on nutrition the pro's genuinely respect.

I don't think anyone could go wrong with Will's Muscle Building Nutrition advice. I wish most other IFBB pros would take the time and listen to what Will has to say, their physique will improve even more, on the other hand, I'm glad they don't because I have the advantage."

- Jamo Nezzar, http://www.musclejam.com
Pro Bodybuilder and Fitness Consultant

"I struggled for a couple of years to build any quality muscle until I followed the nutrition plan Will made for me. Then without any notable changes to my training program I completely transformed my appearance in less than 6 months.

I added 20 lbs of lean muscle and started to compete in amateur competitions, which was my original goal, thanks to Will. Will's information offers you all you need to know about bodybuilding nutrition to make huge lean muscle gains

- Kim D. Amateur bodybuilder
2000 Golds Classic, 1st Place (short class) winner

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Chris Berry © 2003

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Will Brink's Muscle Building Nutrition Guide and Bodybuilding Supplements Review